序號 術 語 英文術語
GB/T15692.1 制藥機械 pharmaceutical mechinery
GB/T15692.2 原料藥設備及機械 machinery and equipment for pharmaceutical material
1 反應設備 reaction equipment
1.1 生化反應器 biochemical reactor
1.1.1 發酵設備 fermenting equipment
a 菌種選育設備 seed fungus selecting equipment
b 往復式搖瓶機 to-and-fro bottle rocker
c 旋轉式搖瓶機 rotary bottle rocker
d 機械攪拌發酵設備 mechanical stirring type fermenting equipment
e 攪拌式發酵罐 stirring typefermenting tank
f 機械自吸式發酵罐 self-drawn type fermenting equipment
g 氣流攪拌式發酵罐 air stirring type fermenting equipment
h 氣升式發酵罐 airlift fermenting tank
i 塔式發酵器 tower fermenter
j 噴射自吸式發酵罐 jet an slf-drawn fermenting tank
k 固體發酵罐 solid fermenting equipment
l 塔式移動床發酵罐 moving-bed tower fermenter
m 流化床發酵罐 fluid-bed fermenter
n 其他類型的發酵設備 other type fermenting equipment
o 固定床發酵器 fixed-bed fermenter
p 中空纖維發酵器 hollow fiber fermenter
q 固定化細胞流化床發酵器 fixed-cell fluid-bed fermenter
1.1.2 培養罐 culture tank
1.2 化學反應設備 chemical reacting equipment
2 結晶設備 crystallzing equipment
2.1 臥式結晶器 horizontal crystallizer
2.2 立式結晶罐 vertical crystallizer
3 離心機 centrifuge
3.1 過濾離心機 filtering centrifuge
3.1.1 三足式離心機 three-column centrifuge
3.1.2 直聯式三足離心機 direct-coupled three column centrifuge
3.1.3 立式錐籃離心機 vertical type conic basket centrifuge
3.1.4 上懸式離心機 top-suspended centrifuge
3.1.5 臥式刮刀卸料離心機 peeler centrifuge
3.1.6 臥式活塞推料離心機 pusher centrifuge
3.1.7 螺旋卸料過濾離心機 scroll discharge screen centrifuge
3.2 沉降離心機 sedimentary centrifuge
3.2.1 螺旋卸料沉降離心機 scroll discharge sedimentary centrifuge
3.2.2 旁濾式離心機 side-filtered piston-discharge sedimentary centrifug
3.2.3 分離機 separator
a 管式分離機 tubular centrifuge
b 碟式分離機 disc centrifuge
3.2.4 三足式沉降離心機 solid bowl three column centrifuge
3.2.5 刮刀卸料沉降離心機 knife-discharge centrifugal clarifier
3.3 螺旋卸料沉降-過濾離心機 solid/screen bowl scroll centrifuge
3.4 高速離心機 high-speed centrifuge
3.5 密閉離心機 hermetic centrifuge
3.6 醫用低速離心機 pharmaceutical low-speed centrifuge
3.7 低速冷凍離心機 low-speed freezing centrifuge
4 過濾機 pharmaceutical filter
4.1 微孔過濾設備 microbore filtering equipment
4.1.1 微孔薄膜過濾設備 microbore-film filtering equipment
4.1.2 管式過濾設備 tubular filtering equiment
4.2 層板式過濾設備 laminate filtering equipment
4.3 轉鼓真空過濾機 rotary-drum vacuum filter
4.3.1 外濾面轉鼓真空過濾機 external filtering surface rotary-drum vacuum filter
4.3.2 密閉式轉鼓真空過濾機 enclosed rotary-drum vacuum filter
4.4 圓盤真空過濾機 rotary disc vacuum filter
4.5 轉臺真空過濾機 rotary table vacuum filter
4.6 帶式真空過濾機 horizontal-belt vacuum filter
4.7 板框壓濾機 plate and frame filter press
4.8 葉濾機 leaf filter
5 萃取設備 extracting equipment
5.1 提取罐 extracting tank
5.2 動態提取罐 dynamic extracting tank
5.3 提取濃縮罐 extracting and concentracting tank
5.4 超臨界萃取設備 supercritocal extracting equipment
6 蒸餾設備 distilling equipment
6.1 分子蒸餾設備 molecular distilling equipment
6.2 蒸餾釜 distiller
6.3 精餾塔 fractional column
7 換熱器 heat exchanger
7.1 管殼式換熱器 tubular heat exchanger
7.1.1 固定管板式換熱器 fixed tube-sheet heat exchanger
7.1.2 浮頭式換熱器 floating head heat exchanger
7.1.3 填函式換熱器 packing-gland heat exchanger
7.1.4 U型管式換熱器 U-tube heat exchanger
7.2 板式換熱器 plate type heat exchanger
7.2.1 板翅式換熱器 wing type heat exchanger
7.2.2 螺旋板式換熱器 scroll-plate heat exchanger
8 蒸發設備 evaporating equipment
8.1 升膜式蒸發器 upward film evaporator
8.2 降膜式蒸發器 downward film evaporator
8.3 多效蒸發器 multi-effect film evaporator
8.4 刮板式薄膜蒸發器 scraper type evaporator
8.4.1 離心式刮板薄膜蒸發器 centrifugal scraper film evaporator
8.4.2 固定式刮板薄膜蒸發器 constant-clearance scraper film evaporator
8.5 離心式薄膜蒸發器 centrifugal film evaporator
8.6 外循環式蒸發器 external circulating evaporator
8.7 板式蒸發器 plate type evaporator
8.8 熱泵蒸發器 heat pump evaporator
8.9 真空濃縮罐 vacuum concentrating tank
8.10 敞開式濃縮罐 open type concentrating tank
9 干燥設備 drying equipment
9.1 氣流干燥器 pneumatic dryer
9.2 熱風循環烘箱 circulating hot air oven
9.3 圓盤干燥機 disc dryer
9.4 噴霧干燥氣 spray dryer
9.5 流化床沸騰干燥器 fluid bed dryer
9.6 振動干燥機 vibrating dryer
9.7 帶式翻板干燥機 chain drive drying equipment
9.8 冷凍干燥機 freezing dryer
9.9 雙錐回轉式真空干燥機 double conic rotary vacuum dryer
9.10 攪拌干燥機 stirring dryer
9.11 真空干燥箱 vacuum drying oven
9.12 隧道烘箱 tunnel drying oven
9.13 微波干燥器 microwave dryer
9.14 遠紅外干燥器 far-infrared dryer
9.15 真空振動流動干燥機 vacuum vibrated dryer